Facebook Live Chatsupport Your Customers Via Fb Live Chat

If you have ever purchased a product from Zappos, you must have noticed that their customer service is top-notch. In fact, best customer service has always been what makes Zappos successful.

  1. Facebook Live Chat Support Your Customers Via Fb Live Chat Rooms

Facebook Live Chat Jan 08, 2019. Hi, Our app just helps to integrate Facebook chat into website. The chat script is managed and load by Facebook. The loading performance will depend on your device and internet connection. You should configure the Facebook chat to open Messenger app on mobile / tablet instead of loading the chat box on mobile.

  1. Now get this: On-site chat powered by Facebook Messenger automation is better than live chat: 24/7 instant response: Chatbots answer questions instantly with no wait time for customers. Cheaper than live staff: Businesses incur no huge staffing costs for operator services and can jump in when needed.
  2. Hi, You can resolve your Facebook related issues within the very short period of time. Online Facebook Chat Support is now available to help you round o'clock. For more information visit: quicksupportservice.
  3. With this feature, Facebook Customer Chat (Facebook Live Chat) helps you a lot in supporting the customers, consulting or selling right on your website. You can manage and take care of your customers via Facebook Messenger.
  4. This “FB Messenger Customer Live Chat Plugin” enables you to Easily and Quickly integrate the Facebook Messenger in your website. With this plugin you can choose your Facebook Page through which your users will communicate in Live chat with you. The Facebook Messenger Platform provides a convenient way that make it easy for you to start a.

What’s more, studies show that, customers will be 300% more likely to come back and buy more by adding a personal touch to customer service.

Customers love someone who they can talk to and trust, so the key to never miss any sales is to be a casual and helpful friend to them

Meanwhile, Facebook is among the most popular social media that customers use, so why not leverage what your Facebook account and utilize it as the most friendly customer support channel ever?

We are glad to introduce our new app – Quick Facebook Chat app to help you level up your customer support, get close to and engage with customers on Facebook.

How does it work?

What better way to find out customer’s name, face, age, even hobbies and professional background, or in other words, a persona, than looking at their Facebook profile? Quick Facebook Chat app gives you access to just that to bring them closer to you. Let’s take a look at how the app can help you do that:

Chat with customers on your store as Facebook friends

Quick Facebook Chat app offers neither a ticket to submit nor a chat window. Instead, customers use their own Facebook accounts to chat directly with you on store, so you can easily view their Facebook profiles while providing support.

Get closer to customers for a more personal relationship

Because you are not just chatting with an anonymous online account, you can personalize conversation for each of them. Your customers will also feel more like talking to a real person, not a canned response. It’s never easier to get closer, build trust and establish relationship with your customers like between real people.

Build rapport and get ready for more sales in the future!

After you have a general idea of customer’s persona, who they are, and what they like, why not offer them a personalized gift or discount code as a reward program? Also, revisit conversations anytime to check for their after-support experience.

Quick and simple to install

The best thing about Quick Facebook Chat is that it is optimized to bring the best experience for both you and your customers. Only 1 minute and you’ll get a Facebook live chat support window on store, no coding skill required.

At the end of the day, Quick Facebook Chat app aims to bring the most friendly and personal customer support ever, so that you won’t lose any customer or sales.

So why not get Quick Facebook Chat app on your store to start your amazing customer service and increase sales today?

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Facebook Live Chatsupport Your Customers Via Fb Live Chat
  • Support your customers via Facebook Live Chat.
  • Facebook Messenger has over 1 billion active monthly users
  • Permanent chat history available for both store owner and customer

Zotabox is a premium plugin with a 30 day free trial (no credit card req’d) and a 30 day money back guarantee for our package of 20+ promotional sales tools.

Zotabox is an easy to use package of 20+ promotional sales tools for your website.


  • Easy Popup – to promote your specials and increase your subscribers with custom images, timers and coupons
  • Header Bar – to promote your specials and increase your subscribers. Countdown timer and coupons included.
  • Landing Page Builder – create new landing pages with ease
  • Slider – slide out box to promote specials, video, collect emails etc.
  • Push Notifications – collect subscribers and send out push notifications
  • Contact Form Builder – customize fields, departments, attach files, auto-response etc.
  • Facebook Live Chat – Support your customers via Facebook
  • Social Buttons – encourage followers to join your site
  • Easy Store Locator – make it easy for your customers to find you
  • Testimonial – have your customers promote for you
  • Social Review – automatically display your latest facebook or google reviews
  • Notification Box – fade in notification boxes to promote your products
  • Stickers – promote latest news, new arrivals, blogs etc
  • Promo Box – to promote sales, products, new arrivals
  • Easy Banner – upload your custom image and link to any page
  • Social Mobile Tools – so customers can contact you on mobile
  • EU Cookie Notification – ask EU visitors to accept cookies
  • Back to Top Buttons – enhanced, stylish back to top buttons

Extra Features:

  • Zotabox is integrated with 20+ email service providers including Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Aweber, Get Response & Campaign Monitor etc.
  • Zotabox is also integrated with 20 + social accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In etc.
  • Add countdown timers, custom images, coupons, email capture fields to tools
  • Loads asynchronously. Won’t slow down your website.
  • No coding needed. Fully customizable.
  • Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel Integration
  • Custom CSS and Custom HTML available
  • User-friendly and responsive design.
  • Mobile friendly

Targeting Rules Include:

  • Display on Certain Pages
  • Time on Site
  • Scroll Down Page
  • Minimum Screen Size
  • Exit Intent (for some tools)
  • New, Returning Visitor
  • Set Display/Expire Date
  • Geo Targeting

Premium Plans:

Starter – 3,000 customer visits per month. $9.99/month. Premium versions of all tools.


Express – 15,000 customer visits per month. $19.99/month. Premium versions of all tools. Premium versions of all tools.

Platinum – 150,000 customer visits per month – $49.99/month.

All Plans include: multiple websites, multiple tools on same website, no branding, email service integration, custom CSS, custom images, google analytics integration etc.

Guarantee: Get your first payment back if you do not increase your sales in 30 days.

Custom Plans also available.

See our full pricing plan here.

Works great with Ecwid Shopping Cart plugin.

To avoid conflicts with custom themes we recommend manually embedding our code.


Zotabox is based in Hanoi, Vietnam. We have built high quality website marketing tools to increase your sales since 2013. Zotabox includes 20+ onsite tools to boost your sales and get more subscribers.

Note: Zotabox is a 3rd party service provider. A Zotabox account will be created automatically and you can delete it at any time.

You will receive important account, informational and promotional emails from us and remarketing ads via Google Adwords. For information to opt out of these ads and emails at any time, please visit our privacy page.

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For an automatic installation through WordPress:

  1. Go to the ‘Add New’ plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Search for ‘Zotabox Facebook Live Chat’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’ and activate the plugin

To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Go to the ‘Add New’ plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate.

For a manual installation via FTP:

Facebook Live Chatsupport Your Customers Via Fb Live Chat
  1. Upload the facebook-messenger-live-chat folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in your WordPress admin area

(*) Note: If the tool does not display after turning ON, please try to install Zotabox code manually follow these instructions:


A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.


Facebook Live Chat Support Your Customers Via Fb Live Chat Rooms

This is not a free plugin!Waste of time!Delete this plugin from repository or make it free!!!