5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts

Who here said they’re going to start blogging in 2020?

If you’ve put blogging under your New Year’s business resolutions but haven’t posted a single blog, then this is for you!

Don’t use Google images for your blog posts, most of them are copyrighted and you may face copyright issues sooner or later. Still, if you want to use free images, there are so many sites out there to download by giving proper credit(a link back to their sites). 4 Ways how images enhance your blog; Read more to write better. One of the most important steps to building a successful blog is creating content that your audience is truly interested in. Typically, this includes blog posts that solve problems and provide valuable information. According to HubSpot, 47% consumers view 3 to 5 blog posts before getting started in the buying process.


Find out what it takes to write your first blog post and hit the publish button with confidence!

1. Use conversational language.

I know at least a dozen – admirable! – writers who got seriously stuck when the time came to write their first blog post. Their writing style was just too polished!

The best advice I can give you is to write the same way you talk to people.

Forget everything your high school teacher ever said about writing. Longer words and complex sentences don’t necessarily make for a better read in the online world. (actually, people read differently online – they skim!)

Be casual. Use simple words and short sentences. Throw in a joke or two! Some of the best blog posts I’ve read were written as if they were a note to a best friend.

2. Choose a topic both you and your target audience are passionate about.

Picking your first blog topic is nerve-wracking. You want to say all these things and there’s so much that you want to share with the world!

But before you do anything, think: what would your target audience want to read?

It makes little sense to write on a topic you’re not passionate about… but it also doesn’t make any sense to write anything your target audience wouldn’t read.

Pro tip: Dive deep into your ideal client persona and find out what’s the best way to get their attention!

3. Keep your blog post short.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts For Beginners

In the beginning, you may want to give up on the idea of blogging altogether just because it’s going to feel like too much work – writing looooooong blog posts in order to give your audience some value is not easy!

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts Post

However, don’t underestimate the power of short and sweet. People love shorter blog posts packed with actionable advice.

Also, shorter blog posts are going to help you be more consistent with your blogging.

Would you be able to write 2,000 words every week? Probably not.

Would you be able to write 500-700 words every week? Most likely yes!

Pro tip: Short doesn’t mean too short – aim to write at least 500 words of fluff-free advice. 😉

4. Titles are your best friend.

After many, many years of blogging, I still vividly remember how stuck I got at times trying to pick a title for my earliest blog posts (you never actually think about this until you have to write a title!)

The title is the first thing a potential reader will notice, so it has to catch their attention in just a few seconds.

Aim for titles that aren’t only fun but also, spark curiosity and interest, and promise to solve a problem.

However, be careful: there’s a difference between engaging and clickbait. Clickbait titles overpromise but underdeliver and disappoint – and you definitely don’t want that to happen when someone reads your blog.

5. Be patient with yourself.

Blogging is a skill. And like every other skill, it takes some time to fully master it.

The only way to become better at blogging is to… well, blog more.


Blogging is a long term game, so commit to it. Make it a habit! Publishing a post bi-weekly or even monthly is still a great start, as long as you’re consistent.

Even if writing isn’t exactly your forte, don’t give up, at least not for a few months. I promise you, with just a little bit of practice, everyone can be a pro blogger!

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Tell me, what’s your number one obstacle when it comes to writing your first blog post?

Leave me a comment and let me know, I’d love to help out if I can!