Most precipitation is rain, but in cold conditions it can manifest as snow, sleet, or hail. Precipitation of any kind followed by a cold snap in which the temperature dips from above freezing to 30° F or below may produce ice. Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. Jan 11, 2018 To open and view DMG files, follow these steps: Install and open DMG Viewer on your Windows system. Click Open button in program window to go to folder where DMG files are located. You can choose read-only or compressed DMG files. Select the DMG file of your choice and click open. By default, Windows Xp/Vista/7 cannot open dmg files. Athletics; Automatic: Climb a wall with plenty of handholds or a secure, knotted rope or rope ladder; swim in relatively calm water; jump a number of feet horizontally equal to half of your Strength score, or your full Strength score with a 10 foot running start; leap into the air a number of feet equal to half of (3 + your Strength modifier), or the full amount with a 10 foot running start 1 2. Dnd 5e Archery Fighting Style Adds To Dmg Download Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, an Undead Stalker’s aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for.
When opening up a spell list in Dungeons & Dragons 5E, you may find that there’s a ton of different damages. Chromatic Orb, for example, can deal 6 different damage types. That’s a lot to handle! And if it’s your first time DMing, the concept of Resistance, Vulnerability, and Immunity can be a bit much. So, what are the 13 damage types, and how should you describe them? Check out our 5e Damage Types guide for a few examples!
5E Damage Types
The 5E damage types are designed to give players and DMs alike a wide suite of options. We are living in a magical world, so when magic happens, it can create a whole bunch of different effects. And many monsters have different ways to resist damage, or become straight-up immune to a specific type! So, it’s important to have your options open, and know a bit about what it means to take a type of damage. If you’re confused about any of the 13 different occurrences of damage (and don’t worry – some are weird), you’ve come to the right place! These will be categorized, just a bit.
Slashing damage occurs whenever a bladed weapon is swung through the air, or a sharp object rubs against you. If it gives you a cut, then it was Slashing.
Longswords or swinging blade traps deal slashing damage, for instance.
Piercing damage occurs if an object enters your body, typically creating a relatively small hole.
Arrows, spears, or dart traps deal piercing damage.
Bludgeoning damage occurs whenever you take damage from an object that doesn’t necessarily break skin. Instead, bludgeoning damage causes bruises, or shatters bones.
Hammers, swinging log traps, and falling damage all cause bludgeoning damage. However, falling damage is special – you cannot resist or be immune to falling damage. Gravity is still king!
Did you swallow something that’s going to hurt your body? Did something enter your skin and start burning? That means you probably took poison damage.
Poison Spray and a scorpion’s stinger deal poison damage. Do know the difference between Poison and the Poisoned Condition!
Instead of burning your blood, Acid burns your skin! This stuff is chemically designed to be unstable, and harm basically everything.
Acid Splash and many, many slimes deal acid damage. Magic is the most common way to get access to acid damage, but alchemical processes work fine too!
Fire, the bane and blessing of society. Rather than just a feeling of burning, fire actually harms you. Fire harms you by simply being so hot that skin and muscle reflexively causes immense pain. If you’ve ever been burnt by a stove, you’ve taken some fire damage!
Fireball and a Fire Elemental’s slam attack deal fire damage. Players can gain access to fire damage most easily through magic, but a lot of magical weapons deal bonus fire damage as well.
Condition Damage
Cold damage is not taken very seriously, but it is the exact opposite of fire. Something is so cold that your body quite literally starts decaying. If you’ve ever stepped barefoot into the snow for too long, you probably “took” some cold damage… But realistically, this is talking about frostbite-levels of cold. Good thing these characters are heroic adventurers!
Ray of Frost and the Frostmaiden Auril’s (spoiler alert) attacks deal cold damage. PCs get cold damage by magic in most situations.
The divines themselves are smiting your foes, channeling themself through you. Radiant is linked closely to fire damage, thanks to spells like Sacred Flame, but they’re a little bit different. Rather than simply burning your skin, your soul is getting exorcized; no soul is holy, even a Paladin’s, so your body’s burning is a reaction to the gods deeming you unworthy in some way.
Magic is the most common way to get radiant damage; Sacred Fire and Moonbeam deal radiant damage early on.
Taking necrotic damage means part of your body has just died. Decomposed. Rotted. Rather than a simple cut or burn wound, you’ve literally lost something. This is typically attached to the opposite of radiant – unholy – and is not effective against those without actual life forces, like constructs or undead.
Necrotic damage is dealt via spells – Inflict Wounds or Vampiric Touch, for instance – and from some undead attacks, such as Wraiths.
Lightning damage is caused when high voltages of electricity enters one’s body. This makes the heart skip beats, the skin begins to burn, and the mind is razzled… But, thankfully, creatures in 5E are less likely to die from getting struck by lightning.
Lightning Bolt and Shocking Grasp each deal lightning damage, as do creatures who are closely affiliated to the skies or lighting.
Thunder is different from lightning, and is not necessarily related to lightning. This type of damage is a replacement for “Loud Noises”; something is so loud it just damages your eardrums, or breaks glasses. That’s why spells like Shatter are super effective against crystal creatures or glass.
Thunderwave and Shatter deal thunder damage… and are actually really loud! Think about that the next time you friendly fire!

Pure, unadulterated magical energy slams into your opponent, bypassing most resistances. While most descriptions of Force damage are vague, I always imagined it being like getting hit by bludgeoning damage… but, instead of bruising your skin, it bruises every single particle in and around your skin.
Eldritch Blast and Magic Missile deal force damage, and thus simply are “magic incarnate” in projectile form. These are typically purple, but nothing’s stopping you from changing the color! Who cares what color “magic” is?
You directly attack the mind. Creatures that don’t have brains are fairly likely to not care about psychic damage at all, nor are creatures that are naturally psychic. However, by directly avoiding contact with the skin or bones, you also avoid creatures that are incredibly physically hardy, like Barbarians. You take Psychic damage when your boss says that you didn’t do what they asked… when you spent the last 20 hours doing what they asked.
Vicious Mockery and Wrathful Smite, as well as the attacks of Mind Flayers, deal Psychic damage.
See Also: Greyhawk vs. Forgotten Realms
Resistance, Vulnerability, and Immunity to 5E Damage Types
A monster (or character) has three columns when talking about damage types; Resistance, Vulnerability, and Immunity. What does it mean when a monster has one of these three words attached to them?
When a creature is resistant to a damage type, their body naturally just doesn’t mind it. Perhaps their exoskeleton makes it difficult to slash at them, or they live in a volcano and don’t mind fire that much. Because of that, Resistance to a specific type means they take half damage (rounded down) from that type. For example, a skeleton that takes 7 Slashing damage would instead take 3.
Vulnerability is just the opposite. A creature that is vulnerable to something is heavily affected by it. A dry Plant monster, for example, is extremely easy to burn down, and might have vulnerability to Fire. Or that same creature with a hard exoskeleton might be weak to bludgeoning damage, because it destroys their skeleton. Vulnerability increases the damage taken by a creature is doubled. So, if that plant monster takes 27 Fire Damage, they take 54 damage instead! A huge increase to your damage.
Immunity is just how it sounds; if a creature is affected by that damage type, it is instead not affected at all. A creature might have immunity to a damage type if they are made of that element; Fire Elementals, for example, are immune to Fire. Immunity to Poison usually means that the creature doesn’t have blood to poison; for example… Fire Elementals, which are also immune to poison. These creatures ignore the damaging effects of such a spell, and are usually also immune to the conditions that such a spell applies.
d% | Weather | Cold Climate | Temperate Climate1 | Desert |
| ||||
01-70 | Normal weather | Cold, calm | Normal for season2 | Hot, calm |
71-80 | Abnormal weather | Heat wave (01-30) or cold snap (31-100) | Heat wave (01-50) or cold snap (51-100) | Hot, windy |
81-90 | Inclement weather | Precipitation (snow) | Precipitation (normal for season) | Hot, windy |
91-99 | Storm | Snowstorm | Thunderstorm, snowstorm3 | Duststorm |
100 | Powerful storm | Blizzard | Windstorm, blizzard4, hurricane, tornado | Downpour |
Sometimes weather can play an important role in an adventure.
Table: Random Weather is an appropriate weather table for general use, and can be used as a basis for a local weather tables. Terms on that table are defined as follows.
Wind speeds are light (0 to 10 mph).
Between 0° and 40° Fahrenheit during the day, 10 to 20 degrees colder at night.
Cold Snap
Lowers temperature by -10° F.
Treat as rain (see Precipitation, below), but conceals as fog. Can create floods (see above). A downpour lasts for 2d4 hours.
Heat Wave
Raises temperature by +10° F.
Between 85° and 110° Fahrenheit during the day, 10 to 20 degrees colder at night.
Between 40° and 60° Fahrenheit during the day, 10 to 20 degrees colder at night.
Powerful Storm (Windstorm/Blizzard/Hurricane/Tornado)
Wind speeds are over 50 mph (see Table: Wind Effects). In addition, blizzards are accompanied by heavy snow (1d3 feet), and hurricanes are accompanied by downpours (see above). Windstorms last for 1d6 hours. Blizzards last for 1d3 days. Hurricanes can last for up to a week, but their major impact on characters will come in a 24-to-48-hour period when the center of the storm moves through their area. Tornadoes are very short-lived (1d6×10 minutes), typically forming as part of a thunderstorm system.
Roll d% to determine whether the precipitation is fog (01-30), rain/snow (31-90), or sleet/hail (91-00). Snow and sleet occur only when the temperature is 30° Fahrenheit or below. Most precipitation lasts for 2d4 hours. By contrast, hail lasts for only 1d20 minutes but usually accompanies 1d4 hours of rain.
Storm (Duststorm/Snowstorm/Thunderstorm)
Wind speeds are severe (30 to 50 mph) and visibility is cut by three-quarters. Storms last for 2d4-1 hours. See Storms, below, for more details.
Between 60° and 85° Fahrenheit during the day, 10 to 20 degrees colder at night.
Wind speeds are moderate to strong (10 to 30 mph); see Table: Wind Effects on the following page.
Rain, Snow, Sleet, And Hail
Bad weather frequently slows or halts travel and makes it virtually impossible to navigate from one spot to another. Torrential downpours and blizzards obscure vision as effectively as a dense fog.
Most precipitation is rain, but in cold conditions it can manifest as snow, sleet, or hail. Precipitation of any kind followed by a cold snap in which the temperature dips from above freezing to 30° F or below may produce ice.
Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind.
Falling snow has the same effects on visibility, ranged weapon attacks, and skill checks as rain, and it costs 2 squares of movement to enter a snow-covered square. A day of snowfall leaves 1d6 inches of snow on the ground.
Heavy Snow
Heavy snow has the same effects as normal snowfall, but also restricts visibility as fog does (see Fog, below). A day of heavy snow leaves 1d4 feet of snow on the ground, and it costs 4 squares of movement to enter a square covered with heavy snow. Heavy snow accompanied by strong or severe winds may result in snowdrifts 1d4×5 feet deep, especially in and around objects big enough to deflect the wind—a cabin or a large tent, for instance. There is a 10% chance that a heavy snowfall is accompanied by lightning (see Thunderstorm, below). Snow has the same effect on flames as moderate wind.
Essentially frozen rain, sleet has the same effect as rain while falling (except that its chance to extinguish protected flames is 75%) and the same effect as snow once on the ground.
Hail does not reduce visibility, but the sound of falling hail makes Listen checks more difficult (-4 penalty). Sometimes (5% chance) hail can become large enough to deal 1 point of lethal damage (per storm) to anything in the open. Once on the ground, hail has the same effect on movement as snow.
The combined effects of precipitation (or dust) and wind that accompany all storms reduce visibility ranges by three quarters, imposing a -8 penalty on Spot, Search, and Listen checks. Storms make ranged weapon attacks impossible, except for those using siege weapons, which have a -4 penalty on attack rolls. They automatically extinguish candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. They cause protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and have a 50% chance to extinguish these lights. See Table: Wind Effects for possible consequences to creatures caught outside without shelter during such a storm. Storms are divided into the following three types.
Duststorm (CR 3)
These desert storms differ from other storms in that they have no precipitation. Instead, a duststorm blows fine grains of sand that obscure vision, smother unprotected flames, and can even choke protected flames (50% chance). Most duststorms are accompanied by severe winds and leave behind a deposit of 1d6 inches of sand. However, there is a 10% chance for a greater duststorm to be accompanied by windstorm-magnitude winds (see Table: Wind Effects). These greater duststorms deal 1d3 points of nonlethal damage each round to anyone caught out in the open without shelter and also pose a choking hazard (see Drowning—except that a character with a scarf or similar protection across her mouth and nose does not begin to choke until after a number of rounds equal to 10 × her Constitution score). Greater duststorms leave 2d3-1 feet of fine sand in their wake.
In addition to the wind and precipitation common to other storms, snowstorms leave 1d6 inches of snow on the ground afterward.
In addition to wind and precipitation (usually rain, but sometimes also hail), thunderstorms are accompanied by lightning that can pose a hazard to characters without proper shelter (especially those in metal armor). As a rule of thumb, assume one bolt per minute for a 1-hour period at the center of the storm. Each bolt causes electricity damage equal to 1d10 eight-sided dice. One in ten thunderstorms is accompanied by a tornado (see below).
Powerful Storms
Very high winds and torrential precipitation reduce visibility to zero, making Spot, Search, and Listen checks and all ranged weapon attacks impossible. Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished, and protected flames have a 75% chance of being doused. Creatures caught in the area must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or face the effects based on the size of the creature (see Table: Wind Effects). Powerful storms are divided into the following four types.
While accompanied by little or no precipitation, windstorms can cause considerable damage simply through the force of their wind.
The combination of high winds, heavy snow (typically 1d3 feet), and bitter cold make blizzards deadly for all who are unprepared for them.
In addition to very high winds and heavy rain, hurricanes are accompanied by floods. Most adventuring activity is impossible under such conditions.
One in ten thunderstorms is accompanied by a tornado.
Whether in the form of a low-lying cloud or a mist rising from the ground, fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment (attacks by or against them have a 20% miss chance).
Wind Force | Wind Speed | Ranged Attacks Normal/Siege Weapons1 | Creature Size2 | Wind Effect on Creatures | Fort Save DC |
Checked: Creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind. Flying creatures are blown back 1d6×5 feet. Knocked Down: Creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind. Flying creatures are instead blown back 1d6×10 feet. Blown Away: Creatures on the ground are knocked prone and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. Flying creatures are blown back 2d6×10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting. | |||||
Light | 0-10 mph | —/— | Any | None | — |
Moderate | 11-20 mph | —/— | Any | None | — |
Strong | 21-30 mph | -2/— | Tiny or smaller | Knocked down | 10 |
Small or larger | None | ||||
Severe | 31-50 mph | -4/— | Tiny | Blown away | 15 |
Small | Knocked down | ||||
Medium | Checked | ||||
Large or larger | None | ||||
Windstorm | 51-74 mph | Impossible/-4 | Small or smaller | Blown away | 18 |
Medium | Knocked down | ||||
Large or Huge | Checked | ||||
Gargantuan or Colossal | None | ||||
Hurricane | 75-174 mph | Impossible/-8 | Medium or smaller | Blown away | 20 |
Large | Knocked down | ||||
Huge | Checked | ||||
Gargantuan or Colossal | None | ||||
Tornado | 175-300 mph | Impossible/impossible | Large or smaller | Blown away | 30 |
Huge | Knocked down | ||||
Gargantuan or Colossal | Checked |
The wind can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors away. If powerful enough, it can even knock characters down (see Table: Wind Effects), interfere with ranged attacks, or impose penalties on some skill checks.
Light Wind
A gentle breeze, having little or no game effect.
Moderate Wind
A steady wind with a 50% chance of extinguishing small, unprotected flames, such as candles.
Strong Wind
Gusts that automatically extinguish unprotected flames (candles, torches, and the like). Such gusts impose a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls and on Listen checks.
Severe Wind
In addition to automatically extinguishing any unprotected flames, winds of this magnitude cause protected flames (such as those of lanterns) to dance wildly and have a 50% chance of extinguishing these lights. Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks are at a -4 penalty. This is the velocity of wind produced by a gust of wind spell.
Condition Dmg 5e Dnd
Powerful enough to bring down branches if not whole trees, windstorms automatically extinguish unprotected flames and have a 75% chance of blowing out protected flames, such as those of lanterns. Ranged weapon attacks are impossible, and even siege weapons have a -4 penalty on attack rolls. Listen checks are at a -8 penalty due to the howling of the wind.
Hurricane-Force Wind
All flames are extinguished. Ranged attacks are impossible (except with siege weapons, which have a -8 penalty on attack rolls). Listen checks are impossible: All characters can hear is the roaring of the wind. Hurricane-force winds often fell trees.
Tornado (CR 10)
Condition Damage Runes Gw2
All flames are extinguished. All ranged attacks are impossible (even with siege weapons), as are Listen checks. Instead of being blown away (see Table: Wind Effects), characters in close proximity to a tornado who fail their Fortitude saves are sucked toward the tornado. Those who come in contact with the actual funnel cloud are picked up and whirled around for 1d10 rounds, taking 6d6 points of damage per round, before being violently expelled (falling damage may apply). While a tornado’s rotational speed can be as great as 300 mph, the funnel itself moves forward at an average of 30 mph (roughly 250 feet per round). A tornado uproots trees, destroys buildings, and causes other similar forms of major destruction.
Condition Dmg 5e Stat
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Condition Dmg 5e Spell
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