Npm For Mac

Install Node.js and npm using Homebrew on OS X and macOS Use Homebrew to install and update Node.js on Mac. By Adam Stacoviak 2013-03-12T15:00:00Z #node +2. I'm new to Mac OS ecosystem, and I'm porting some projects from other computers to the Macbook. I have several projects that use npm packages, Mainly Laravel / Vue Projects. When I create a new project it works, I'm able to run all type of npm commands, but if it is a copy and pasted project from another pc it does not work. Electerm is a terminal/ssh/sftp client(linux, mac, win) based on electron/ssh2/node-pty/xterm/antd/subx and many other libs.

What is npm?

Download npm for mac

npm makes it easy for JavaScript developers to share and reuse code, and makes it easy to update the code that you’re sharing, so you can build amazing things.

  1. Major Node.js versions enter Current release status for six months, which gives library authors time to add support for them. After six months, odd-numbered releases (9, 11, etc.) become unsupported, and even-numbered releases (10, 12, etc.) move to Active LTS status and are ready for general use.
  2. Mirror index of Linuxx64/ 2020-11-16T13:59:10.648Z - Mac/ 2020-11-16T13:59:10.648Z - Win/ 2020-11-16T13:59:10.648Z - Win.

Install npm

npm is installed with Node.js

npm is distributed with Node.js- which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer.

Download Node.js and npm

Check that you have node and npm installed

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

Npm For Mac

A note on versions

npm versions

npm is a separate project from Node.js, and tends to update more frequently. As a result, even if you’ve just downloaded Node.js (and therefore npm), you’ll probably need to update your npm. Luckily, npm knows how to update itself! To update your npm, type this into your terminal:

Node versions and Long Term Support

Node.js has lots of versions! To use Node.js, and therefore npm, effectively, you’ll want to make sure that you are on a version that is supported by the Node.js team. In general, you should use the version of Node.js labelled “LTS”.

Npm Machinery Pvt Ltd

Use a Node.js version manager

Software is always changing, and so it’s often a good practice to use a version manager to help account for this change. For this reason (and many others!) we recommend that you use a version manager for your Node.js installation. There are many great options; here are a few*:

* If you don't see your favorite version manager here, send us a note on the www repo!

Read the docs!

For more information, on all sorts of awesome npm things, you should read our documentation.

You'll learn how to:

  • ...and muchmore!

If you ever want to help out with documentation, you can leave feedback or suggestions in the 'docs' topic!

Take me to the docs!Download npm for mac

We’re here to help


Npm For Mac Os X

Feeling lost or overwhelmed? We’re here to answer your questions, concerns, and comments.


Npm Machinery

Ways to Reach Us

Npm Update For Mac

  • Ask a question or provide feedback
    • on Twitter, @npm_support
    • via email,
  • Stay up to date on the npm registry status
    • via our status page
    • on Twitter, @npmstatus
  • File an issue about the website on our website GitHub repo
  • File an issue about the registry on our registry GitHub repo