Music Playerstream Music On Your Weebly Site

Welcome and please make yourself at home. Relax and enjoy the music. In Weebly editor click on the “Theme” tab Click on “Edit HTML/CSS” button Under “Assets” section click on “Upload Files (s)” option and upload your.mp3 audio file Right click on the file and copy the URL of the mp3 file.

  1. Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Officiel
  2. Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Free
  3. Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Website
  4. Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Youtube

With over 40 million people hosting their websites and serving over 325 million unique visitors each month, Weebly is known as one of the most popular platforms for building websites.


Since its initial launch in 2007, Weebly has come a long way. The platform now supports 15 different languages and comes with a variety of incredible features, including support for eCommerce websites, blogging, mobile apps, and most important feature of all, the ease of use.

When talking about building websites, the first platform that comes to our mind is WordPress. However, it requires a little bit of a learning curve and some technical knowledge in order to setup a website with WordPress. Plus, after setting up the site with WordPress, you’ll be in charge of maintaining it, updating the database, plugins, and customizing themes, and many other functions as well.

All this can be a little too overwhelming for someone without any web development experience. For those people, Weebly can be an excellent alternative for easily building websites without any technical experience.

Similar to Squarespace, Weebly is a great all-in-one solution for building all kinds of websites from personal portfolios to small business websites and online stores. Want proof? Have a look at some of the most beautiful websites that entrepreneurs have built using Weebly and see for yourself.

01. The Box Bros

This particular website will win you over with its exemplary use of minimalism. Instead of stuffing the website with too much content and images, the website for this gift box store uses a static homepage with only its logo and a CTA with a link to its store. It’s simple, elegant, and effective at the same time.

The store section of the website also uses a minimalist layout and minimal product pages. The Box Bros website shows that complex and large websites doesn’t have to look cluttered with megamenus and too much text and images. It can be as simple as this.

02. Japhlet Bire Attias

Chapman Stick artist Japhlet Attias’ website is yet another brilliant example of a stunningly designed Weebly website. This website uses a theme that comes with a number of great features, including sections for embedded videos, streaming audio music, and more.

The website also uses a single-page scrolling design and appears to match perfectly with the style of the solo musician.

03. Brand iD

This Melbourne-based brand and design agency also uses Weebly to power up their company website. Brand iD website features a single-page design that neatly includes all the details about the agency services, their mission, as well as a portfolio section filled with all their branding work.

Brand iD website design also seems to follow several new design trends, such as hamburger menus, ghost buttons, and fullscreen header images as well.

04. Classic Cut & Shave

Music Playerstream Music On Your Weebly Site

Who says websites are only useful to digital and modern businesses? This website for the barber shop, Classic Cut & Shave, will show you how effective websites can be for brick and mortar businesses.

Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Officiel

The online booking system is probably the most useful feature of this website. It allows people to book a seat at the barber shop at a preferred time with their favorite barber.

05. Brighton Secondary School Music

The beautifully animated header background is the first thing you’re going to notice in this attractive school website. The Brighton Secondary School in South Australia has used its design quite nicely to their advantage to showcase their talent, programs, and more.

The website features a number of useful widgets as well, including an event calendar, an animated notices section, and more.

06. SF Bay Area Design

Freelance graphic designer Josh Barton uses a Weebly website to attract more clients for his business online. Josh’s website is simple and beautiful. It includes a section for case studies from his past projects, an effective contact page, testimonials from clients, details about Josh, and more. It’s pretty much everything you’d expect to see on a personal portfolio website.

07. Fusedale Design

Graphic designer Nick Fusedale uses Weebly with a stunning theme for his professional portfolio website, where he showcases all his work. The website features lots of sliders, which he uses to feature his projects with many pictures.

08. We Talk Money

We Talk Money is an independent agency that provides financial advice. The agency uses its Weebly-powered website to effectively explain what they do, the services they offer, along with some advice for beginners, and includes contact information to get in touch with the agency.

The website also features a static sidebar with navigation links. A nice feature that you don’t normally see on most other websites.


09. Leadapreneur

This is the main website of a popular online course that teaches entrepreneurship to young leaders. Over 30,000 people have participated in the program. Leadapreneur’s main website acts as a starting point for its new students to learn more about their programs. As you can see, the website also features an eye-catching design.

10. The Whiskey Ball

Another all-in-one website that comes with a landing page, a blog, and an online store packed into one Weebly website. The Whiskey Ball website features a modern design while brilliantly showcasing its products throughout the homepage with links directing users to its shop.

The Whiskey Ball shop also includes a beautiful layout and detailed product pages.

11. Douk Snow

Douk Snow sells handle made skis and snowboards out of the UK. To do that, they have a simple, minimal eCommerce store powered by Weebly.

12. Leo Edwards Photography

Leo Edwards is an adventure photographer who uses Weebly to showcase his work. It’s a simple website with lots of large images, as you can see on the homepage above.

13. Flaming Pear Software

Flaming Pear Software offers creative plugins for Photoshop and uses Weebly for its website.

14. Backwoods Soap and Body Products

Backwoods Soap makes soap and other body products from beer or hops, which is a unique take on personal hygiene. To sell their products, they have a simple site powered by Weebly.

15. April Borrelli

April Borreli uses Weebly to power her portfolio of illustrations, designs, and fiber crafts.

16. Young Marine Explorers

Young Marine Explorers aims to “inspire youth of global coastal communities to engage in marine conservation”. To help them achieve that goal, they use Weebly.

17. Just Comfort Shoes

As you’d expect from the name, Just Comfort Shoes uses Weebly to sell…comfortable shoes!

18. Harmony Homeopathics

Harmony Homeopathics sells homeopathic sprays to help people “unlock a deeper level of healing and harmony”.

19. Page Eighty Four Design

Page Eighty Four Design is the portfolio for graphic designer, Jag Nagra. It features tons of colorful illustrations to showcase her work.

20. Argyle Yarn Shop

As the name implies, Argyle Yarn Shop uses Weebly to sell yarn out of Brooklyn, NY.

21. Our Table

Our Table is a food coop based in Sherwood Oregon that uses Weebly to power its community website.

22. Farm Lighting

Farm Lighting sells heavy-duty lighting for farmers and other businesses.

23. Waidsack

Waidsack is an Austrian store that sells handmade bags using Weebly.

24. Dwarmis

Music Playerstream Music On Your Weebly Site

Dwarmis is a boutique fashion brand in New York that uses Weebly to power its lookbook and eCommerce store.

25. Wall’in

Wall’in is a French service that provides unique interior decorating solutions.

26. Wonderfully Cheap Websites

Wonderfully Cheap Websites sells flat-rate Weebly websites for $799. Their own portfolio site is built using – you guessed it – Weebly.

27. Yaak River Base Camp

Yaak River Base Camp is a beautiful outdoor activity area in Montana.

28. Dakota Drone Aerial Photography

Dakota Drone Aerial Photography sells drone photography and video as a service for marketing, events, or business uses.

29. Storytelling Strands

Storytelling Strands sells natural stones and crystals. It doesn’t use Weebly for eCommerce directly, instead opting to link to the Storytelling Strands Etsy store.

30. St. Teresa Orphans Foundation

St. Teresa Orphans Foundation is a non-profit located in Tanzania that works with orphans and other vulnerable children.


As you may have figured out by now, Weebly is not just a platform for creating simple landing pages and portfolios. It’s also a great platform for building large and complex websites as well. But, is it better and Squarespace, Wix, or Virb? We’ll let you decide that.

Have you seen any other great websites that use Weebly? Share them with us in the comments section.

Automatically play music files on your website when a page loads

by Christopher Heng,

If you code your web pages using a text editor (as opposed to using a visual web editor likeDreamweaver),you may be wondering how you might go about adding background music to your web pages. While this is not a questionI encounter often at, I do get the occasional music aficionado sending me this query, hence this article.

Issues Surrounding Background Music

Before you start, you should be aware thatbackground music that automaticallystarts playing when a web page is loaded may not be appreciated by a large number of your visitors. Some of them, when greetedwith the sudden blaring of music from their speakers, may immediately hit the BACK button of their browsers. This may occur evenif you're playing a piece of music that you think is well loved by everyone: remember, there are people who surf the Internet inpublic libraries, at work, or in the dead of the night when others are asleep. Others may already have their favourite('favorite' in US English)piece of music playing on their computer speakers, and your auto-playing music file will only cause them to be annoyed.

Even if you are satisfied that your website has the type of target audience that will enjoyyour background music, there are alternatives to automatically playing music that you mightwant to consider. For example, giving visitors a link which they can click to play musicwould allow you to showcase your music while remaining sensitive to your visitors' preferences.Instructions on how to accomplish this, as well as how to implement autoplaying music, are given below.

Playing Music Only When a Link is Clicked

If you have a music file (such as an MP3 file) that you want played when a visitorclicks a link, put HTML code like the following on your page:

<a href='yourmusicfile.mp3'>Play music</a>

Replace the 'yourmusicfile.mp3' with the appropriate filename. Note that the above HTML codeworks for '.wav' and '.mid' files as well (or anything else for that matter).

How to Embed Background Music on Your Web Site

Update: For a modern treatment on how to include music on your website, please readHow to Play Musicor Audio on a Website with HTML (HTML5) instead.

This rest of this article (below) is obsolete. It was written at a time when Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 4were the browsers used by the majority of people. ('What is Netscape?' you say. My point precisely.)It even talks about a type of music file (midi) that you rarely see on the Internet any more. It isleft here mainly for historical interest. You can safely skip directly to theupdatedversion here.

The problem with embedding background music is that the different browsers out there havetheir own methods of implementing embedded music files.

For all versions of Netscape, as well as Internet Explorer ('IE') 3.0 and above, you can use the following code:

<embed src='yourmusicfile.mid' autostart='true' loop='true'
width='2' height='0'>

Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Free

The width and height attribute given above causes the player to be invisible. If you do notwant it to be invisible, you can specify your own dimensions to suit your site decor.

Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Website

For Opera and all IE versions, the following code works:

As you probably have noticed, IE 3.0 and above support both methods, so you cannot simply putboth those tags into your web document in the hope of supporting all browsers. It willwork on Netscape and early versions of IE, but the newer versions of IE will recognizeboth tags, leading to problems when IE tries to load the music file twice.

The workaround that I've seen on some sites, that seems to work for me, is to enclose theBGSOUND tag inside NOEMBED tags, thus preventing IE from interpreting the second tag.

<embed src='yourmusicfile.mid' autostart='true' loop='true'
width='2' height='0'>
<bgsound src='yourmusicfile.mid' loop='infinite'>

This code appears to be compatible with all versions of IE, Netscape and Opera.

Fixing Your Web Server's MIME Types

If, after putting the above code on your site and uploading your music file, your music doesnot automatically play in IE, Netscape or Opera, it is possible that your web server is notsending the browser the correct MIME type. In order for the browser to know how to handlethe file, your web server needs to be configured to send the correct information about the file.For example, for MIDI files, the web server should send the browser a 'Content-Type' header of'audio/midi'.

You can find out if your server has been correctly configured by starting up Netscape,invoking the 'View' menu and selecting the 'Page Info' item on that menu. (I'm referring toversion 4.7x of Netscape - the item may be labelled differently on other versionsof Netscape.) The MIME type of your music file will be displayed (among other things).

Music Player Stream Music On Your Weebly Site Youtube

If the MIME type is incorrect, contact your web host to have them fix it. If your website runson an Apache web server, and your host has configured it to allow you to override its settingsusing a .htaccess file, you can set up the MIME type yourself. For example, if you haveMIDI files with a file extension of '.midi', you might add the following line to your.htaccess file:

If you don't have any existing .htaccess file, you can simply create one using anASCII text editor and upload it to the top directory of your website. Remember,Microsoft Word and Wordpad are *not* ASCII text editors. Also note that this method onlyworks for Apache servers configured to allow .htaccess overrides. If this is not the casefor you (for example, if your site runs on a Windows machine running IIS), you will probablyhave to get your web host to fix the problem.

Browser Plug-in Problems

Sometimes you may encounter a situation where the embedded code works for you but not forothers using the same version of the same browser.

This situation may occur when the person has installed some other software that has replacedthe default browser plug-in to handle the music file type. For example, various multimediaplayers (like QuickTime) replace the browser's default plugins when they are installed.The replacement plugins may not function in quite the same way as the default plugin for thebrowser, leading to your code not working as expected.

There's probably little you can do to prevent this from happening, short of posting noticeseverywhere on your site telling people not to install such-and-such a software, whichis of course ludicrous. If you insist on putting auto-playing sound files on your web page,my recommendation is that you ensure that your page makes sense whether or not those soundsare played on your visitor's machine. That is, don't auto-play a sound file that providesvital information that the visitor needs to understand your web page - unless of course you alsoprovide a clickable link on the page that allows him to hear the information should his browsernot autoplay the sound file.

Like many other aspects of coding for the web, putting music on the web requires acertain amount of defensive coding. Even then, there will probably be a percentage of visitorswho will not be able to view/hear your site the way you intended.

Copyright 2002-2018 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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This page was last updated on 20 April 2018.